Why Shopping is Such Shitty Pastime & How to Overcome It

Simplicity is the Secret to the Season, motherf***ers!

I've seen all the memes. I get it. Save 100% when you buy nothing. Blah, blah, blah.

And I hear you.

But that MESSAGE is a little extreme.

Because shopping habits are REALLY hard to break.

I know, because I used to spent a LOT of time and money at TJMAXX.

(And I know this dates me because it's now called HomeGoods.)

Shopping, for me, was a PASTIME. (Cheers to Janelle Orion☀️ for giving me this phrase.)

My only real, plausible defense is that I love the hunt. I like looking for things (even my husband's keys).

And sometimes after stopping at a garage sale, and finding nothing, I now give them $5 just for the EXPERIENCE. It's better than bringing more shit into my house.

But my POINTis.....

*********Shopping filled a hole in my heart for years!***********

I would covet that fringey, coral top, at Banana Republic......then buy it and love it for a month or two......lose interest..... and then find something else to covet.

It was an endless cycle.

But I was too intoxicated by by Sea Salt Lentil Chips, Purple Power Strips, Moroccan-Themed Pillows and Bejeweled Frames to see it. And I usually left the store with both GLOW and GUILT.

So let's two do things:

1) Eliminate the Shame.

I used to think buying a lot made me materialistic. But it was really about my own emptiness. My not enough-ness.

It was about thinking me or my house or my outfit or my hair or my skin....... needed to look a CERTAIN WAY to be accepted and admired.

Or that.......my daughter or my husband or my mom or my friend needed me to BUY THEM SOMETHING to show my love.

That's not OVER for me or anything, but I've come a long way.

I SEE you shopper. You're not a bad person. And I have compassion for you.

2) Use Some Tips To Break The Habit

--Give yourself a time limit in the store--set a timer on your phone.

--Reevaluate EVERYTHING at the register and DISCARD a few things.

--Go to Ace Hardware (not cheap, but a surprising amount of fun stuff, and it eliminates temptation) or Goodwill (temptation exists, but prices are very low).

--Just f***king stay home. This really works the best. If I don't see it, I can't want it.

3) Seek the Joy

--Write down a list of what brings you joy. Is shopping on it?

--No, not later. Right now. (Put it in the comments. I'll go first.)


I see you, shopper, and you're brave enough to change. It will be uncomfortable. Just like the pointy-toed, five-inch-high red heels you bought.

But it WILL be worth it.


I don't know what the question is....

but I do know...this holiday season...

and every day......

that TJMaxx is not the answer.


What is shopping all about for you?

Why do you do it?

What are your hacks????


I help humans in transition get Brave, Bloom as a Wildflower and Broadcast their Brand. (Cheers to Reuben Swartz and AI for that one.)

Sign up for my magic here.

Meow. And Merry Christmas.

#holiday #transition #stopshopping #youarebrave #shame

P.S. I know this does not solve online shopping, that will have to be another article.

Andrea EnrightblogComment