

My Deal

I'm a small town Illinois girl, livin' in an urban Colorado world.

I graduated from college at a time when America was on top (or at least I was ignorant enough then to think it was). Dotcoms were dynamite, Starbucks was still new and I didn't have a mortgage.

When the three hour lunches ended in 2001, I started my own content business, working on massive editorial management and rebranding projects for big corporate companies. While financially lucrative, I call these experiences "working at the cutting edge of mediocrity".  

In 2005, at age 30, somehow receiving less satisfaction than originally anticipated from hair highlights, Banana Republic purchases and book club meetings, my husband and I joined the Peace Corps. The next three years included plenty of hitchhiking in dangerous countries, lots of do-gooder stuff, white-water rafing down the Nile and minor roles in B-movies for the SyFy Channel. Back at the ranch in 2009, I got yoga certified, rebranded my business and birthed a daughter (no epidural). 

I am passionate about running, dancing, writing and key-lime pie. I like to sing loudly in my car with the windows down and I recently built a Little Free Library out of a camping oven. Don't stop believin'.

Check me out on LinkedIn!


What I Love


Flow, a term coined by the Hungarian philosopher Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (chick-sent-me-high), describes a mental state of full immersion in a feeling of energized focus and enjoyment. The acronym FLOW is my mantra for every business relationship. Here’s how it breaks down.

Foster a genuine human client connection. (peace fingers straight to your eyes)

Listens well. (the world is full of bad listeners. I’m not one of them.)

Omniscient (can provide insight, manage projects and be a SME champion),

Without ego (makes your days move easy)



I believe contractors and virtual agencies are the bomb. They don’t get mired up in office politics, avoid brand blindness, have better life-work balance, bring fresh perspectives and specialize in amazing stuff. Jus sayin.

Face to Face Meetings

Look email gets snarky super fast. If we can meet in person at least the first time, let’s do that whole thing.


Creative Briefs

Managing expectations is pretty much the secret of life.



I just do, okay?


Daniel Pink

His book A Whole New Mind changed my life. I think Design, Story, Symphony,  Empathy, Play and Meaning are the value of our future. Forget them and you might as well forget the whole darn marketing idea.