Wanna Be Braver in the

2nd Half of Your Life?


…I’m your wing Woman.  

If it’s time for a new chapter

If you’re willing to take a hard look in the mirror…

If your intuition is whispering…

Whether you want to write a book, get a divorce, become a coach or create a new identity, I can help.



My Story


I’m Andrea

My past includes 25 years of strategic storytelling, meaningful messaging, and corporate drudgery. Along the way, I’ve made weird and wise choices. Often in foreign countries. Usually while wearing boots. Sometimes while hitchhiking.



LinkedIn Profile♦ It's the first place people look. It matters. It tells your story. And it’s way more sophisticated than Facebook or Instagram. It’s where business AND BRAVERY happen.

Rebel Resume♦ It’s mandatory. Whether you're a coach, a consultant or an executive,anyone born after 1975 likes a PDF to look at.

The Self-Love-Script♦ What do you say when people ask you what you do? It better be brief, brilliant and thought provoking. When we get specific, we inspire.


Stuff I Wrote


Clients Stories With Soul